shinyP's anal systems
in various  Guggenheimio
Museum of
Murders Art
collectiv ironicons of  bright colors

Hitney Museum of Amii
perm Punish imanent
colted patterns invoke images of
wrangled twines on
Lap- Erections.
floor to ceiling digital
hints of computer genes neutraloral
codeworks, and electrical circumcoloritry.
J' s sexploding color-
Cells spell out a micro  to macro
-anthroethnopological progression
in bold forms and bright colors.
 Though sharing a ommo sheme,
each artist's y work thatonloorloor
loorloor biologicalbiolco
nogicalbiologicalb conconconcon l
oorloor loorloor  loor
approach is distinct in uboth
medium and format ID massage.
and projection of
g Points features works by digital
prime makers co  Gym, joints is a
collectconion of temporaexplores
loorloorrelationships between technocolorlogical
currentlycon Artist in Residence Stanf University's
new Di al Arts loorloorloordd
Center, and Beter Hey's whorse work h Art.
In addition loorloorloorto digital artwork traditionally intricate My drawings and
paintings of technologically oriented ddddsubjects will be shown.  COloor
Kind  system s and scapes of power mines, Milephone Doorpoles, electrical Doorloor
wires draw att ention to how manmadedd and Artsconstructions emlateuu humans' orloorArtemis &M
essential neural couumposition. Jadd Arts &son Doges pacecolorloocraft constructions
call it Art eddddnge the viewer to coddddme to terms w the stretch of imaginationdddddd uuuhhh Art.
that is coddddmpelled by structures created Art with packing material,dduuuuuuu
polystyrene, lights, and ddddthe occasional strip of uuuumasking tape. Micah uuuu
Moses' highly detailed Arty drddddawings create both portrait ddd=====
human interconnectedness, in culture and science, fiction and dddddddddddddd
fabrication. various degrees of assemblage. collagesdddddddddddddddddd
Together, these works create a rich, suggestive profile of thedddddddddddd
inevitable authority of technology's role in human evolution. dddddddddddddddddddd
billions of humans on earth. uuuuuuuu  Boldfarb's mumi-form drawings
JT"S intricately rendered tel-titts structurally appear as
biological siliconcomponents functioning outside the earth's
atmosphere as extrasupreme sensory organs or rare suggestive  explosive activities in fragmented space layers .